Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Getting back into the swing of things...

The image above was from the last ice storm here in Alabama..what a blessing to have such bright and beautiful birds as cardinals to add color and lightness to such a hard winter. Thankfully spring has sprung here now, an early spring.. this is my favorite time of year.. a time of rebirth. A time of newness and change. What better time to renew a commitment to goals and making dreams come true. I'd been slipping in that the past month or so. I'd gotten so caught up in the busyness of life that my own goals and dreams were taking a backseat. That is a recipe for disaster for me. It does not make for a happy me, for sure. So I've started saying 'no' to outside pressures and commitments that take me away from what I know internally that I need and want to do.  Back to finding a happy balance in life instead of letting it overwhelm me.  Easier said than done, but I feel like I am making a good start. Today I've been to visit friends and picked up a few herbs, some Black Hills sage and georgia mountain mint.  This afternoon I will be planting and cleaning out my herb and flower beds. There is nothing like digging in the dirt to soothe the spirit, ground and bring balance. Thank you Mother Earth.